Friday, March 07, 2008


One step I mount...
four I slide ...
forward I push...
backward I’m punched...
looking at the future...
past pulls me...
present jabs me...
strikes a blow on my face...
scratching my chest...
a claw clutches my flesh...
making me realize...
efforts are in vain...
trials are void...
what ever I do...
I can never erase this off...
I can never rub it off...
make it un-done…
I still hope...
its new...
new to me...
to hope...
I’m learning...
learning to hope...
just because...
god isn’t partial...
he just can’t ignore me...
ignore me for ever...
can he???
I know I’d regret...
regret for hoping...
but again...
I am...
I am hoping...
can I??? ??? ???

Can I hope to get you back to make you smile ?

Cross Posted at
Atul's World
I m confused
Planet Atul


Saurabh said...

That was very painful but still u can hope for things going better either way but please add this pain also


Unknown said...

Thanks my friend ! :-)