Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Memories n Pain of change !!

Every dark night hands over to a day for a new beginning..
A chapter closes for a new beginning ..
A relay athlete handing over the bar to the following athlete for a new lap...
My accepted resignation letter ...a way for a new beginning...

The time,Never expected,
Something I've not even dreamed about.
Every day over here had something special for me which bring in everything.
Making a new memory every moment n at the end carrying too many memories back home !
Bless the day when i became HCLite

With the fading yellow sky..
Will be taking the longest way to go back home..with no great ideas
Remembering all smiles, giggles which use to start from lips moving towards eyes and then comes back to stomach aching laughter.

There are so many to thank for ...
Love to pass my THANKS to everyone but.. how can I name any....
Drifting back to the time gone by with tears but certainly I will miss you all.


Anonymous said...

Never knew you were a writer as well...


Unknown said...

Wait n watch .. There are more to pop up.

Unknown said...

You hv written awesome articles ...n am proud to b ur friend...never knew that u r so talented.......keep up the good work.......

Unknown said...

Awesome articles!!! Am proud of you r very talented ...though never knew abou ur talent during school days but never mind...........keep up the good work..CHEERS!!